“People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.” ― Salma Hayek The Mental Health Foundation study found that 50 percent of 18–24-year-olds and 20 percent of all respondents said they worried about their body image after seeing images on social media.
Body Image
Body image refers to how we see ourselves, what perception do we have about the way we look, and most importantly the feelings and thoughts associated with our perception. It is very important to understand that these thoughts and feelings can either be positive or negative, and are influenced by many factors.. People who feel confident about the way they look, who feel comfortable, and have accepted themselves as they are, despite of whether they fit into the so-called superficial beauty standards set by the society, have a positive body image. On the other hand, people who are overly focused on how they look, and compare their appearance to unrealistic ideals, which cause them immense stress and hardships, have a negative body image.
Importance of having a positive body image
Most important form of self-care is self-love. Having a positive body image boosts confidence. It’s about acceptance, loving yourself the way you are, and always striving. Imagine the adrenaline rush you get after a good workout, and the endorphins which are released, which make you feel ecstatic and euphoric, not because you want to match the superficial beauty standards, but because your ultimate goal is to have a healthy body and lifestyle. That promotes a positive and energizing outlook towards life. Having a positive body image also reduces stress levels, and leads to emotional stability. Research suggests that focusing on building self-confidence and a positive body image may help reduce obesity, and achieve wider health goals. It also reduces risks of suffering from anxiety, eating disorders, and also boosts one’s self-esteem.
Factors influencing our body image
Social Media
It plays a major role in influencing our body image. While scrolling through social media apps, people often forget to separate the virtual world from reality. With an estimated 3.6 billion users worldwide, social media is a large part of today’s culture. The users are exposed to idealized body types, which in turn leads to unrealistic expectations and ideals for themselves, which leads to low self-esteem and dissatisfaction.
Users are exposed to pictures of models and athletes, and follow everything that they do. From wearing certain pants to following drinks which claim to reduce weight. Everything is so delusional that sometimes people find themselves caught in this vicious cycle, and form a negative body image, and over exert themselves in order to get the so-called ideal body type, which poses a serious threat to their health.
Environment also plays a major role. Our cultural background, peers and families influence the way we perceive our body image. Especially among teens, the kind of environment in which they have been brought up can adversely affect their body image. If a person is repeatedly exposed to criticism on the basis of how they look, and are made to feel conscious, then it often results in feelings of hatred and dissatisfaction towards their bodies, which negatively affects how they perceive themselves. It can lead to anxiety, and increased stress levels.
Biological Factors
Certain biological factors can also influence our body image. Puberty plays a major role. During puberty, adolescents experience rapid physical changes, which are natural but the way the society keeps on stressing about an “ideal” body type and criticism from peers and family members results in a negative body image. Hormonal fluctuations lead to changes in our mood, which can also trigger various eating disorders.
Steps to develop a positive body image
“You define beauty yourself, society doesn’t define your beauty.”
– Lady Gaga
There have been times where people who have a negative body image cancel plans with their friends, because they don’t think they look good enough, and are often dissatisfied. Rather, we should try to fight the urge, and spend time with our loved ones, because your true friends would never make you feel like you don’t belong and would accept you as you are. This helps in building confidence, and radiates positivity. Its all about accepting your true self because everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way.
Appreciate yourself
Look at how much you have grown. Appreciate yourself for little things. Rather than criticizing, list out amazing things about your body. Your stretch marks, your flaws are not something to be ashamed of. Remember, you are beautiful, think how your life would be if you accept your body as it is. Say out loud “I am beautiful and proud of who I am”.
Positive Outlook
Always try to be positive, spend your time doing things you love. Things which make you feel good and light. Spend time with the people you love, who would never judge you, no matter what and will always encourage you to strive. Stay away from negative people who criticize you for how you look, and make you feel anxious and uncomfortable. Follow healthy accounts on social media where they promote a positive body image.
Making small changes
Make small, yet significant changes in your lifestyle. Establish goals, make plans and try to follow a routine. Take time out for yourself, and connect with yourself. Gain knowledge on how to follow a healthy lifestyle. Do not pressurize yourself, you got this!
Stay Active
Wake up in the morning, and go for a walk/run. Keep moving throughout the day, work out because the main aim should be to stay healthy. It will be difficult, but stay determined and consistent. Don’t exert yourself, do what you want to and stay positive. Meditation can also help to calm your nerves, and help you to focus. You can do it!
Takeaway Message
These are some of the ways which can help you to develop a positive body image. Think about what is more important to you? Superficial beauty standards set by the society, or your physical and mental health. It is never too late, focus on your well-being. Love yourself because beauty is a light in the heart. Start living and stay positive!